A couple of weeks ago I had one of my best friends come over to hangout and enjoy some one on one girl time. We engaged in baking, movie watching, and just catching up. It was a great time spent with great company and a time for us to share how we were currently feeling in life, especially when it comes to dating. Neither of us are currently dating, but we bonded over the fact that many of the people around us are or that we feel we are at the age when we want to start dating seriously.
Over this summer, maybe it was because I just graduated, I had this push to find someone. I wanted to seek out new opportunities to meet a guy and venture into dating. I've never been a boy crazy person and it all happened so fast and honestly didn't make much sense to me why I had this sudden need, but I went with it. I spent a good majority of my summer just wondering what my future might look like, would I ever find love, get married, or even start a family? I started to doubt that none of that would ever happen. At the end of this summer I took a trip home to vacation and spend time with my family. I don't know what it was, maybe it was circumstantial, but when I returned back to school I had this weight lifted off of my shoulder. I no longer felt the need to look for someone and in a sense I weirdly felt like I was already with someone. I am not, but I feel that it was the Lord's way of telling me that he is with me and that it is okay to be single and enjoy the time I have living as a young single.
In today's society I feel that many people waste away their single years trying to find someone instead of embracing it. Once you find that someone, that's it, God willing you are with them the rest of your life and you can't get your single years back. All of this has taught me to slow down and put a pause on finding a man. I am totally content with being single and watching God's plan unfold one day in the future. I have other things to focus on, like building relationships with friends, school, and trying out some new hobbies and adventures. If I were in a relationship now, I highly doubt I would be as focused about school or being with friends. I wouldn't let a relationship consume me by any means, but it adds another focus and priority to your life that may give you less time for something else. I want to love and be loved by a man, but right now that's not what I need. When it is time for me to date I want to be able to put my all into it and give my significant other what they deserve. I heard a song today with these lyrics "really good things take time, but really great things happen in the blink of an eye" That spoke to me because I believe that some of the best things happen when we least expect them to. So why settle for good when you can have great. Allow the Lord to work in your singleness and pray that he will show you how to be content with the place you are at now and you can also be praying for that possible future spouse.
The same friend who I had over this weekend also told me something that resonated within. She said "We may feel or be ready to date, but God may still be preparing and growing the person we are meant to be with." Simply, we might be ready, but our man is not or it could be the other way around. Until the time comes live in the moment and wait for what God has in store. Don't push what hasn't happened and not enjoy the time you have now in this season of your life. As for me, I am going to enjoy this time of peace and contentment in my single life to work on myself and maybe one day, when the time is right, God will send a man my way and we can start a new path together.