A couple of weeks ago I had one of my best friends come over to hangout and enjoy some one on one girl time. We engaged in baking, movie watching, and just catching up. It was a great time spent with great company and a time for us to share how we were currently feeling in life, especially when it comes to dating. Neither of us are currently dating, but we bonded over the fact that many of the people around us are or that we feel we are at the age when we want to start dating seriously.
Over this summer, maybe it was because I just graduated, I had this push to find someone. I wanted to seek out new opportunities to meet a guy and venture into dating. I've never been a boy crazy person and it all happened so fast and honestly didn't make much sense to me why I had this sudden need, but I went with it. I spent a good majority of my summer just wondering what my future might look like, would I ever find love, get married, or even start a family? I started to doubt that none of that would ever happen. At the end of this summer I took a trip home to vacation and spend time with my family. I don't know what it was, maybe it was circumstantial, but when I returned back to school I had this weight lifted off of my shoulder. I no longer felt the need to look for someone and in a sense I weirdly felt like I was already with someone. I am not, but I feel that it was the Lord's way of telling me that he is with me and that it is okay to be single and enjoy the time I have living as a young single.
In today's society I feel that many people waste away their single years trying to find someone instead of embracing it. Once you find that someone, that's it, God willing you are with them the rest of your life and you can't get your single years back. All of this has taught me to slow down and put a pause on finding a man. I am totally content with being single and watching God's plan unfold one day in the future. I have other things to focus on, like building relationships with friends, school, and trying out some new hobbies and adventures. If I were in a relationship now, I highly doubt I would be as focused about school or being with friends. I wouldn't let a relationship consume me by any means, but it adds another focus and priority to your life that may give you less time for something else. I want to love and be loved by a man, but right now that's not what I need. When it is time for me to date I want to be able to put my all into it and give my significant other what they deserve. I heard a song today with these lyrics "really good things take time, but really great things happen in the blink of an eye" That spoke to me because I believe that some of the best things happen when we least expect them to. So why settle for good when you can have great. Allow the Lord to work in your singleness and pray that he will show you how to be content with the place you are at now and you can also be praying for that possible future spouse.
The same friend who I had over this weekend also told me something that resonated within. She said "We may feel or be ready to date, but God may still be preparing and growing the person we are meant to be with." Simply, we might be ready, but our man is not or it could be the other way around. Until the time comes live in the moment and wait for what God has in store. Don't push what hasn't happened and not enjoy the time you have now in this season of your life. As for me, I am going to enjoy this time of peace and contentment in my single life to work on myself and maybe one day, when the time is right, God will send a man my way and we can start a new path together.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Thursday, August 17, 2017
My Week of Adventure
The river that was behind where we stayed in TN. |
As some of you may know I was able to go home last week to see my family. I had a couple of days actually at home and then spent Monday thru Friday in Pigeon Forge, TN with my parents. I just wanted to share my wonderful time away with you all.
I started the week off by attending the Redskins training camp in Richmond. Though I live close I had never been before.
Skywheel View |
After enjoying a couple of days at home my parents and I made our way to
Pigeon Forge for the first time. I totally recommend. The mountains are
so beautiful, the people are super friendly, and it is all around a
wonderful place.
On our first day of the trip we went to Dollywood. It was so amazing! We walked around, rode rides, and saw some Bald Eagles and other birds that they have there.
Aside from rides, Dollywood also features a Gospel Music Hall of Fame Museum and a replica of Dolly Parton's childhood home.
The following day we went to ride the Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster. This thing is amazing! It is a track, almost like a bobsled, that sits along the side of the mountain. It carts you up and then you ride it down.
After our thrilling coaster ride we headed to The Island. It is basically a bunch of shops and restaurants. We spent the afternoon and early evening shopping, eating dinner, and riding the Skywheel. They also have a fountain (pictured) that has a dance party on the hour, every hour.
On Thursday we started the day off with breakfast at the Applebarn. I had actually gone here several years ago after a church trip and I unknowingly realized it was in the same place as we were for vacation.
With full bellies and a day ahead of us we made our may to the Titanic Museum. This was hands down one of the best museums I have been to. They even had a replica iceberg to touch and frigid water to feel. It made the experience more real and makes one realize how sad it was to have been on the Titanic.
We were very fortunate to have gone on this trip when we did because it is the 20th anniversary of the movie Titanic, which meant the museum was lent some of the costumes to put on display. They were the only objects that we could take photos of inside the museum.
These are three of Roses prominent outfits from the movie. I always loved the white one with the lace and pink ribbon. Sadly, that is the dress she wore the night the Titanic went down.
Thursday night we went to Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede. I used to go as a child at Myrtle Beach, but they have since converted it to a pirate themed show. I was so excited to go again and experience the show, and of course, the food.
Here is just a glimpse at some of the riders in the show. They are all amazing and the show is so fun.
On Friday we drove home, and of course, the best part was picking up the puppy who we deeply missed while we were away.
While it was sad to come home it was great to have our puppy back and to get some rest from our vacation. I definitely have plans to go back in the near future. It seems like it is especially pretty in the fall and at Christmas time. I would recommend this trip to anyone because they have options and things to do for all ages. Overall, it was a great trip and a wonderful time with my family. I hope you all enjoyed what I could share and be on the lookout for more pictures that I will be adding on Facebook.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
50 Random Facts about Me
I was having a little bit of writer's block so I decided to do a fun and different post. This post focuses on the random facts about me that many of my readers may or may not know. I also felt it may give new readers a little introduction into who I am. Happy reading!
1. Fall is my favorite season.
2. I love watching HGTV. Home decorating and house hunting are a part of my element. (I'm an old person at heart)
3. I didn't start singing until college, except in 6th grade. When I happened to win the Choral Student of the Year award
4. I am super adventurous and quite a dare devil.
5. My dream job, aside from teaching, would be a makeup artist at Disney World.
6. I absolutely love musicals!
7. I'm not a morning person or a night owl. However, my best work is done at night but I like to be in bed by 11 if possible.
8. I consider organization a hobby of mine or maybe I am just the slightest bit OCD. Typically If my room is a mess that is a sign my life is a mess.
9. I have a weird desire to live in Florida or Texas one day.
10. I love traveling and will go just about anywhere.
11. I am too independent for my own good.
12. My childhood nicknames were "Little Liz" and "Busy Lizzy" (My middle name is Elizabeth)
13. I am relatively clumsy, but have gotten better with age. I literally face planted in front of the Target registers when I was in 6th grade. My face and the floor seem to have an inseparable relationship.
14. This is Us, When Calls the Heart, Riverdale, and Stranger Things are my favorite TV shows. (note how different they all are)
15. I don't like coffee. I order cream frappuccinos, strawberry lemonades, or hot chocolate if I go to Starbucks.
16. I love all things Disney!!
17. I am a hopeless romantic, but I also know what I'm truly looking for when it comes to love.
18. Even though I don't wear it often, I love makeup!! (applying it, doing it for others, etc.)
19. I have a mild southern accent that comes out more when I am around family and friends from back home or when on the phone with them.
20. I rather go to the doctor than the dentist.
21. My mouth is so small that I had a total of 11 teeth pulled. I believe five were permanent.
22. I have scoliosis.
23. I love milk!!
24. Italian food is some of my favorite.
25. I have the world's most sensitive eyes. I even find myself squinting or needing sunglasses when it is cloudy outside. (blue eye problems)
26. I've never gotten into Star Wars or Harry Potter. (sorry, maybe one day)
27. I had Chicken Pox when I was in Kindergarten.
28. Strangers always strike up a conversation with me or ask me for directions. I guess I look friendly or like I know what I'm doing.
29. I really want a Yellow Lab or Golden Retriever one day.
30. I understand Spanish a lot better than I speak it.
31. "Can't Help Falling in Love with You", "You'll Be in My Heart", and "Hallelujah" are three of my all time favorite songs.
32. My goal is to be in a musical one day, even if it is super minor at a local playhouse.
33. I was never that great at sports, but I was surprisingly good at floor hockey and basketball when it came to PE. I did play soccer in high school, but I was mediocre. I'm more of the artsy type, but that doesn't mean I'm not athletic. :)
34. My favorite workout routine involves Zumba or some type of dance fitness.
35. Two of my fingers on my left hand are pretty crooked. One is rotated inward and the other is bent at the top.
36. I have a strangely vivid memory and often remember what people were wearing the first time we met.
37. I really don't have a favorite color. There are just too many options!
38. I lived in Alaska for six weeks one summer doing mission work and adventuring.
39. I consider myself an introverted extrovert. I'm dynamic yet simple.
40. I love helping others.
41. I enjoy thrillers and most scary movies.
42. I prefer fruity scents over floral ones.
43. I'll Love you Forever is my favorite childhood book.
44. No joke, I'm allergic to paper.
45. Jason Mraz went to the same high school as me and took music lessons where I did as well.
46. I really dislike radio shows, but I absolutely love the Bobby Bones Show.
47. I really enjoy deep/intimate conversations yet I hate being vulnerable.
48. I am a shower singer and a closed door dancer. (I have my quirks)
49. I used to hate on Hamilton, but I have recently become addicted. I just like to be different from the crowd. Now, if I could just win the lottery so I could buy tickets to see the live performance.
50. One of my number one aspirations in life is to be a mom. I just love kids and want to raise a family of my own.
Well, there you have it folks, 50 random facts about me. I tried to stray away from the basics and typical aspects of my life that people know about. I hope many of you learned something new about me and if you did feel free to leave a comment on what it was.
PS: If any of these facts sparked questions feel free to ask. I would love to be able to do a Q & A post sometime in the near future.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
A Weekend in Chincoteague
About a week ago I had the wonderful opportunity to accompany some friends on a trip to Chincoteague Island. I had never been there before so I was pretty excited to take an adventure. The Island itself is so tiny and cute. It reminded me of a place that would be used in a Nicholas Sparks movie. It has that small town vibe, but with a beachy feel. Below are some pictures and commentary from my wonderful weekend adventure!
I apologize for such a picture heavy post, but I wanted to share a little snippet of my wonderful weekend in Chincoteague.
This is what the streets of Chincoteague look like. They are very quaint and cute.
On our first day in Chincoteague we ate lunch at this cute little cafe called the Sea Star Cafe. They had the best sandwiches and they make their own lemonade that is to die for!
After eating our wonderful lunch we went on or first little excursion. We climbed to the top of this light house and then took a hiking trail in one of the parks.
This lighthouse was built in the mid to late 1800's and had a total of around 160 steps. It was fun going to the top, but we came out a bit dizzy and a little sore in the legs.
This photo is of the lighthouse views. So pretty!
After our little hiking adventure we saw some ponies on our way out and then we treated ourselves to some ice cream.
I tried their soft-serve swirl ice cream in a homemade waffle cone. It was absolutely amazing. There is nothing like ice cream at the beach.
This was our adorable hotel we stayed at. The pool was a little small, but you bet we took advantage of it.
That evening we set out for a sunset boat cruise on the Chesapeake in hopes to see some ponies and explore the island a little bit more. It was so relaxing and we did see some ponies in the distance.
The sunset was also very pretty that evening. I just love the way a sunset looks over the water.
That night they also happened to be having a carnival. It turns out they do it every weekend throughout June and July. So after eating a nice seafood dinner we went over to check it out. It was fun and we got to ride the Ferris wheel and one of those carpet slides.
For lunch the next day we went to one of my favorite restaurants before
heading into some shops and taking a walk on the beach. This place has
the best food ever and I definitely recommend going there if you are in
Chincoteague or Ocean City.
Each Ropewalk restaurant has a painted mural on the outside. The mural is typically specific to the location. Therefore, this one had some ponies, the lighthouse, and a boat.
While we were out shopping we saw this adorable sight. Mamma duck and her babies were crossing the road.
Lastly, before we made our way back home, we stopped by the beach to take a little walk and see what it was like. It was definitely crowded, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
I apologize for such a picture heavy post, but I wanted to share a little snippet of my wonderful weekend in Chincoteague.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
The Comparison Game
Amidst my studies and wrapping up my final projects and papers I decided to take a little writing break. I wanted to focus on something that many people seem to struggle with, myself included. That struggle is what I like to call the comparison game. Whether you want to believe it or not the comparison game is something we are all guilty of. It is the world we live in, but what we don't realize is by playing this game we aren't allowing ourselves to be the person God intended us to be.
How often have you stood in front of the mirror and judged yourself? Wishing you could have a smaller nose, bigger eyes, longer hair, straight teeth, a slimmer body, etc. Typically the reason why these thoughts even cross our minds is because the world has conditioned us to believe that beauty looks a certain way and in order to be worth anything, accepted, or liked we must be what the world says is beautiful. I'm definitely guilty of it. I often find myself seeing the beauty, inside and out, of everyone else, but I fail to see it in myself. This happens because I am comparing myself to others. I want to be as smart as the girl who gets all A's, as pretty as the girl who constantly gets recognized, as confident as the class clown, or as talented as the best musician I know. By doing this sort of thing we are feeding ourselves these lies that we aren't worth anything and we eventually begin to believe those lies. These lies turn us into a person we aren't meant to be. We lose our uniqueness when we want to be like everyone else. And you know what? Those people we make comparisons too, who seem to lead a perfect life, they have flaws too! We all do and that's okay because that is how God intended it to be. Our flaws give us an edge or a character trait that others might not have. Our flaws separate us in a good way and when it is all said and done it doesn't matter what we looked like, how wealthy we were, or how talented we appeared to be.
The comparison game often begins with this ideal sense of what beauty looks like, mainly in the physical sense. I struggled with this for a long time until I recently came across something that struck a chord with me. I was reading a book titled Who Calls Me Beautiful and in it the author talks about the women in the bible who were seen as, or mentioned as, beautiful. It is just that though, they were mentioned as being beautiful, but we don't actually know what they truly looked like. Their looks aren't actually described at all. We take our own ideal of beauty and what the world has told us is beautiful to imagine what these women in the bible look like. For all we know they could be short and stalky, tall and lanky, average height with blue eyes and brown hair, etc, you get the point, but regardless all of them were beautiful in the eyes of God. Many of them were considered beautiful, not because of what they looked like, but because of who they were inside. Who are we to decide what is considered beautiful and what isn't? There should be no ideal standard of what beauty looks like. It is so much more than the outer physical appearance, but is about what comes from the heart and God is the only one who can truly define beauty and to him each and everyone of us are beautiful.
My hope and wish is that one day this comparison game will end and that many, if not all, of us can reach the understanding and depth of our worth from how God created us to be and not what the world tells us we should be. I'm going to be honest, I definitely need to take some of my own advice, but I can tell you I have already started taking steps in the right direction. It took a long time and a lot of different realizations to get me where I am when it comes to self love. Not every day is easy and I still find myself in the comparison game from time to time. It becomes a habit and an innate tendency that can be hard to get rid of. I challenge you, the next time you find yourself trying to compare yourself to others, ask yourself what am I good at, even if it isn't perfect, and what makes me beautiful. Just remember that no matter what you are beautiful in the eyes of God, made in his image. To me there is nothing more beautiful than that.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
What Next?
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Photo from: Google Images |
No truer words than those, in the quote above, can explain how I felt about graduating college. For four years college was my life. It was the time where I found myself and the person I wanted to be. It wasn't always easy, with many ups and down, but it was so worth it. Even though I knew what steps I was taking next I was saddened by the thought of ending my undergraduate years and leaving many memories and possibly friendships behind.
Coming in as a freshman I was so lost and confused as to who I was. I didn't know that at the time, but looking back I can see it. I knew I wanted to keep my faith going and possibly partake in choir, but I was also concerned with how others would view me. I still had that high school mindset in the college realm. Thankfully, I learned quickly that it didn't matter. College was a new place, a new start, and a new opportunity. I joined a bible study, which led me to be further involved in campus ministry, and I started singing in a group and in choir. I was slowly coming out of my shell and blossoming into the person that God intended me to be.
Life since graduating has been tough, to say the least. I felt like I left a piece of me behind when I crossed that stage. I wondered if I could still be this person that God intended me to be even without the same support I had and the wonderful opportunities. I became scared and had a flare up with my depression. I was overwhelmed by the stress of moving and settling into my new life, but God pulled me through it. He showed me that things would be okay and that my life wasn't over because my college years were done. In fact it is almost quite the opposite. My life is just beginning.
As I closed the chapter of one book I have opened another. This time it is my turn, to decide on my own, how it goes. I am happy to say that I have settled into life and graduate classes. I found a church I really like and want to become more involved with and I still manage to stay connected with my friends. Life isn't easy and being an adult definitely has its ups and downs, but I have decided to take it one day at a time and with God by my side. Together we will write the next chapter of my book and embrace this new season in life. In the words of Natasha Bedingfield "the rest is still unwritten."
Friday, July 7, 2017
My Top 5 Beauty Products of the Moment
Hello Lovelies!
Today I am coming at you with my current makeup favorites. In the summer you are lucky if you see me with makeup on, but when I do go for it these are the products I reach for. They all provide a lightweight coverage and can be built upon.
1. Urban Decay Naked Palette
This palette has been my favorite for years, but occasionally gets lost in the rough with all the other eyeshadows I own. I recently rediscovered it and have fallen back in love. You can create a super simple look for the day or a dramatic smokey eye for at night. In the summer I typically just swipe sin over the lid and buck in my crease. It's super simple, but leaves you a tad more glamorous.
2. Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush
My cheeks are naturally rosy, but occasionally I like to enhance them. I got this blush for a steal from Ulta when they did their month of beauty and I absolutely love it. It is a super elegant light pink that gives just the right amount of color without making you look over done.
3. Anastasia Brow Pencil
This was also another steal from the month of beauty and it's wonderful. My eyebrows are naturally pretty thick, but I have a few sparse spots that need to be filled in. This pencil is relatively light and creamy. The pencil is on one end and a brush on the other. If you want a cheaper version of this product I recommend NYX's version. They are basically the exact same product.
4. Kat Von D Eyeliner
On most days in the summer I typically just where a light coat of mascara and some eyeliner. This eyeliner has been my favorite thus far and really stays on all day. It doesn't wear onto my face or end up under my eyes. It is also waterproof so if you are daring enough you could wear it to the pool.
5. Tarte Maracuja Powder Foundation and Concealer
In the summer I really hate wearing foundation or really any face product for that matter. However I have been using this powder and concealer combo when I want to look a little more put together. The powder is just a nice dusting to even out complexion and keep my face from getting oily. The concealer is a bit thicker and definitely full coverage. I use it to tame my under eyes and any pesky pimples that pop up.
6. Covergirl Smoochies in Text Me
Okay, I must admit I bought this product several years ago and it basically sat in a drawer ever since. Just recently I wanted something lightweight to apply to my lips that would also moisturize and give a little tint. I rediscovered this bad boy and man I had been missing out. I love this so much for the summer and it makes me look a little bit more put together. Not to mention it smells amazing!
There you have it my loves! My top 5 (kind of 6) favorite products of the moment. I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for more.
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